Classes in Your Location

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the locations currently allowing BoneBuilders to make health and wellness possible by donating their space for classes. BoneBuilders expansion is solely possible because of these generous locations.
We are constantly searching for new locations to add to our line-up so the program can be accessible to every Rhode Islander who wants to participate.

If you own a space that you would be willing to donate at least twice a week for 1 hour and a half each day, please use the contact form below to get in touch with us. We are excited to hear from you!

Why donate a space for BBRI Classes?

•The collection of benefits the participants enjoy makes your generous offering a true service to your community.

• BoneBuilders exercise programs increase bone density, longevity, cardio health, muscle strength and moods while lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, participant’s weight and risks of stroke.

• All participants will provide health clearances from their Primary Care Physicians.

• Your space can be covered under our liability insurance during the classes.

• We will train, pay and provide the instructors

• Your establishment simply provides an ample size room and seats. That’s it!

• Potential Locations are screened for size in comparison to other potential locations nearby, prior to being approved.

• No personal commitment of time on your behalf.

• Get exposure to your facility

• Classes each have a dedicated leader with availability of substitutes

• Worry Free!  We’ll take care of almost everything!

• If you can allow donations BoneBuilders won’t cost you a dime!

Prime Hours of Classes

Classes are only 1 hour long and will not be successful if they are too close to a meal time. We find that the hours between 9-11am and 1-4pm work best for our exercise program. The potentiality of classes being after dinner time is also there for participants that still work. 6-7 would be the only time frame which might work for an after dinner schedule.

Contact us using this form:
Congratulations! Based on the information you've provided it appears your establishment would be a great fit for the BoneBuilders of RI program. Now simply fill out your contact information and we will get in touch as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest in BoneBuilders of RI!
Congratulations! Based on the information you've provided it appears your establishment might be a very good fit for the BoneBuilders of RI program. Please fill out the contact information so that we can connect and confirm. Thanks for contacting us!
We're sorry, but it appears as though our program may not be well suited for your establishment. Our leaders are compensated for their time and donations from the participants or contributions from the establishment are necessary to help offset the costs associated with the program. If you feel there may be a way to work something out, please proceed with the rest of the questions. Thanks for your interest in BoneBuilders of RI.
Congratulations! Based on the information you've provided it appears your establishment would be a great fit for the BoneBuilders of RI program. Now simply fill out your contact information and we will get in touch as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest in BoneBuilders of RI!

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