Thank you for filling out the Membership form. Becoming a member of the program is as easy as visiting your nearest location at the times they run, or visiting any location that suits your schedule.
If you have not already, please visit the “Member Resources” page of our website and print the welcome packet. Included in this welcome packet is a personal waiver to be signed by you and a medical waiver to be signed by your Primary Care Physician. If you do not have a printer these forms can be provided to you on the day of your first class. We are rather lenient with the return of the Medical form but the personal waiver would have to be signed prior to taking the class. All you have to do next is visit your first class and speak with the Instructor.
I want to wish you the best in your endeavors towards improved wellness with the BoneBuilders program. We know this class will change lives, that’s why we are actively pursuing more locations at an increasing rate so we may provide this beneficial program to as many people as we can afford, the small dollar donation per class helps us immensely to achieve this dream. The value, as you will soon learn, is unmatched both in affordability and the health benefits received but there’s also the social aspect that really helps many to complete their day.
“In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.” ~Author Unknown
Best of Luck to you! If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to call me at 401-949-1333. You can also just e-mail me at
Thank you,
John Dionne
The Village at Waterman Lake and BoneBuilders of RI